TrustCall Product Updates: September 2024
We sat down with Chief Technology Officer David Asch to discover the highlights from our latest TrustCall release and learn what to expect in the near future.
The Product team recently released TrustCall v. 10.16. Here are a few of its highlights:
TrustCall Infrastructure:
- Introduction of an industrial strength, scalable message queue. As a communications platform, TrustCall’s lifeblood is the rapid dissemination of encrypted messages to their recipient(s). The new message queue reduces potential bottlenecks so TrustCall can support increasingly large deployments. This release provides immense performance improvements in the alert queue processing.
- Simple deployments are paramount since many TrustCall implementations are within private networks or behind firewalls. Deployments are now scripted and automated, enabling administrators to get end-users up and running rapidly.
TrustCall Windows, Android, and iOS apps:
- iOS is the newest of the TrustCall clients and continues to receive considerable Product attention. The TrustCall iOS app now utilizes Apple’s CallKit interface, which makes the user interface for TrustCall calls the same as other iPhone calls.
- Enhancements to the group call experience include refinements in tile handling and performance.
We’re at work testing TrustCall v. 10.17 and expect to release soon! Here are a few things you can expect from this release:
- Version compatibility between client and server. TrustCall comprises decoupled client applications and a back end. When changes to the back end necessitate an updated client application, the user will now be informed within the application and guided to the upgrade.
- Although it would delight us, we expect users to refrain from constantly having TrustCall running in the foreground. When the app is in the background or not running, several badge count display improvements enable users to see when they’ve received new messages or alerts that require their attention.
- Screen sharing is an essential component of collaboration and has some refinements always to keep it front and center.
- Administrators can perform license renewals directly from the administrative console screen.
Odds and Ends
We saved these for last, but they are exceedingly important; they represent more “ends” than “odds!”
- The team continues to produce v. 10.X releases. At the same time, there’s some heads-down focus on the following product incarnation, v. 11, which will introduce an improved user interface and support new platforms. Version 11 will receive back-end architectural changes to promote even faster message throughput.
- “Voice of the Customer” initiative. Product direction comes from many directions, but we are most sensitive to delighting users. We’re listening carefully to feedback and have commenced an ongoing project to fast-track items of great interest to customers. Currently, the focus is on ensuring high-quality calls in areas with weak bandwidth.
- As we transition from FIPS 140-2 to FIPS 140-3, we have decided to implement a new cryptographic library that significantly improves performance. While we’re all about security, we also need speed, so this path is a winner.